
The Wylder template is for the modern elopement photographer who has built their life and business around adventure. This clean and organized template provides structure to your wild ideas, while funky polaroid graphics and eye catching transition effects accent your spontaneous side. Bold text and accent lines make a statement – just like you – that speaks to the type of clients that want to go out and get it.



The Wylder template is for the modern elopement photographer who has built their life and business around adventure. This clean and organized template provides structure to your wild ideas, while funky polaroid graphics and eye catching transition effects accent your spontaneous side. Bold text and accent lines make a statement – just like you – that speaks to the type of clients that want to go out and get it.

Wylder also has a robust blog landing page. It’s designed to help you educate your clients on all the possible places they can go in your area, and highlight your position as a local expert. Use the About page to show off your one in a million personality, and the Packages page to structure your services and pricing. Included in the design are considered Call the Action buttons and engaging sections which break up text and draw attention to your value.

The Wylder template will tame your wild side, but leave plenty of room for exploring more creative design effects. The result is a mix of knowledgeable and adventurous that will surely entice your clients to hit that contact button!



  • Adventurous vibe perfect for travel focused elopement brands
  • A world map canvas to highlight places you work in or want to go
  • Individual couple galleries
  • Polaroid graphics
  • Bold Call to Actions
  • Unique photo transition effects


  • Home Page
  • About Page
  • Packages Page
  • Portfolio Page
  • Contact Page
  • Coming Soon Page
  • 404 Page
  • Instagram Link In Bio Page
  • Blog Landing Page
  • Blog Category Page
  • Blog Single Post Page
  • Blog 404 Page

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